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4th Annual PKU Shenzhen Field Day


On the afternoon of November 27, PKU Shenzhen held the 4th Annual campus wide Field Day. Executive Vice Chancellor Shi Shouxu, Vice Chancellor Luan Shenji, Director of the Chancellor’s Secretariat Office Niu Hongwei, Director of the Student Service Office An Xiaopeng and Director of Accounting Xu Ying together with all of the school deans and department directors participated in the Field Day.

PKU Shenzhen holds this Field Day event every fall to promote an athletic spirit among students, faculty and staff. The event kicked off with each school’s and department’s team marching in formation around the athletic field. Executive Vice Chancellor Shi officially announced the start of the games.

As tradition, the first event was the “big foot” race between the school deans and chancellors. All of the students cheered on their school’s dean to the finish line. This was followed by competitions of tug-of-war, relay race and jump rope between each school and department’s team.

The HSBC Business School triumphed and won first place. The School of Electronic and Computer Engineering placed second and the School of Biology and Biotechnology placed third.  

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