Senior Leaders of PKUSZ at Fun Sports Day
On November 20, 2019, faculty, staff, and graduate students from Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School (PKUSZ) competed together for victory in the 10
th Annual PKUSZ Fun Sports Day. The event was co-organized by the Youth League of PKUSZ and the General Education Center of PKUSZ. Teams from seven graduate schools came together to support a healthy lifestyle, have some fun, and win glory.
On a clear and beautiful spring day, the team spirit of PKU was shining the brightest. The ceremony opened with a procession of teams. Each team prepared their own performance and team chant to display their spirit before the spectators and senior leadership of PKU. Twirling dancers, pom poms, coordinated signs, and passionate chants, delighted the onlookers during the opening procession. Next, to officially begin the games, PKUSZ Party Secretary and Vice Chancellor Tan Wenchang gave an opening speech to all participants and attendees.
Students performing in opening ceremony
The Fun Sports Day had many events for everyone to compete in, including a relay, bubble soccer, ‘caterpillar race’, team jump rope, ‘eight immortals crossing the sea’, ‘forest cannot fall’, ‘stacked’, and a tug of war. It was clear that each activity was not just about showing off athletic skills, but about having fun as well.
As with any true sports competition, the top performers were rewarded with prizes! Winners from each competition took to the podium for collecting their prize and taking a photo. After the completion of all the events, Peking University HSBC Business School reigned supreme. Congratulations to the champions! The School of Chemical Biology and Biotechnology placed second and the School of Environment & Energy placed third.
Most importantly, it was a wonderful afternoon for everyone to practice being fit and working together as a team. Everyone can love a break from the classroom, laboratory, or office!
Take a look at what some of the student participants had to say:
Zhou Ye (School of Transnational Law)
Her name is Zhou Ye. She comes from Zhejiang province. Zhou Ye is currently pursuing her master’s degree at the School of Transnational Law. During the sports event, she actively participated in 八仙过海 (eight immortals cross the sea). She attended more professional events before which involves more professional projects. However, here are less games and less professionalism. She said, this event made her super relaxed during her busy study schedule. She always enjoys games where groups of people achieve something together.
Lin and Shao Wenjing (Peking University HSBC Business School)
Lin and Wenjing come from different parts of China: Zhejiang and Helongjiang respectively. But dancing brought them together. Both are PHBS students and they love dancing. During the sports event, they participated in opening ceremony. According to Lin, the Fun Sports Day was interesting and required more teamwork than the events she previously participated in in her hometown. She also added this: ”Today's sport event is very interesting and meaningful. It allowed us to take a break from our busy studies for a while and take part in the sport exercises. We had so much fun and our cooperation ability has improved.” Shao Wenjing thinks that we can add more kinds of dances here in the future.
Chang Er (School of Urban Planning and Design)
Chang Er took part in the performance of her school, the School of Urban Planning and Design (SUPD), shouting slogans and holding signs with her classmates. She felt the unity of her school and class. As a freshman, she is very happy to represent SUPD at the sports event and meet such a group of excellent and interesting people. At this university, the sports are more like games, which need more participation and unity. This allows more people to participate in the project. In fact, she was very surprised that here graduate students can have sports event. She really enjoyed the time of shouting and running with her friends. She added, “Next time, I hope we can invite all foreign students to participate in the competition, which will be more fun!”
Written by Ulvi Jafarli and Nathan Faber
Edited by Nathan Faber