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Applying for Leave


You should if possible apply for a leave in advance. You will be required to fill a leave request form (or a ‘suspension of studies’ form), or to come in person to your school to get a copy. The form must be signed, dated and submitted to the administrative officer in charge of international students at your school. If you aren’t on campus, you can submit a scanned copy by email to the administration.

If your leave of absence is to last at most one week, your application needs to be approved by your school’s administration. For leaves longer than one week, your application must also be approved by your school's Dean in charge of education and PKU Shenzhen.

Students returning from absence shall register at the relevant administrative office of your school before their leave of absence is due. If students require for an extension of absence, they are requested to go through the same procedures as with their first application.

If you were to miss one third or more of a specific course’s classes, you are not eligible to sit for the final exam for that course and will receive a failing grade.

Absence of medical reasons:you must submit a medical certificate together with your application. If your cumulative absences for medical reasons were to last for more than one third of a semester, your case shall be reported to PKU Shenzhen to discuss your suspension.

International Students are recommended to go back to their home country to receive medical treatment and to pursue their studies upon recovery, as attested by a medical certificate.

Absence for personal reasons:students having accumulated over one month of excused absences due to personal reasons in a semester (and did not apply for a suspension) will be asked to withdraw from the university.

Suspension of studies:students having completed all their credits at the exception of their thesis or doing an internship can apply for a suspension of studies. This suspension can be for one or several modules and must last for at least one module. A suspension cannot last longer than one academic year. The procedure to apply for a suspension of studies is the same as to apply for a leave.

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