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Athletics have been atthe very center of the University Town of Shenzhen and PKU since the very beginning when UTSZ was a hosting site for the world’s largestWorld University Games in 2011.

We are fortunate to have small-scale athletic facilities within our own PKUSZ buildings and large-scale facilities shared between the other universities in UTSZ.

Each year, we hold the PKUSZ Sports Meet and the PHBS Sports Meet. We also have teams compete in the annual UTSZ Comprehensive Sports Competition. A select group of students, including international students, also travel to the main campus of PKU in Beijing in early May to compete in the Annual PKU Sports Competition. There are also less formal competitions in individual sports, like swimming, football, tennis and basketball.

Apart from the competitions, students have the chance to enroll in General Education courses and receive training from our coaches in a wide-range of sports. They can also join one of the many student groups targeting specificactivities.

Select facilities (not comprehensive)



Dance Room

Swimming Pool


Sports Field

Sports Facilities Overview

Type PKU UTSZ Time Fee
Mon.-Sun.                                                (9:00-12:00; 14:00-21:30) 5元/hour 10元/hour (before noon)                                                20元/hour (in afternoon)
Ping Pong Mon-Fri (16:00-24:00)                                                Sat-Sun                                                (14:00-24:00) Mon.-Sun.                                                (9:00-12:00; 14:00-21:30) 5元/hour 5元/hour (before noon)                                                10元/hour (in afternoon)
Basketball Monday                                                (Closed)                                                Tues.-Sun.                                                (6:00-22:00) Mon-Sun                                                (09:00-16:00; 16:00-22:00) Free Outdoors: Free before 16:00                                                500元(2 hours, after 16:00)
Gym Mon-Sun                                                (06:00-24:00) Mon-Sun                                                (17:00-24:00) 5元each entrance                                                (160元/semester) 10元each entrance
Tennis Monday                                                (Closed)                                                Tues.-Sun.                                                (6:00-22:00) Mon.-Sun.                                                (9:00-12:00; 14:00-21:30) 15元/hour (from 06:00-16:00)                                                20元/hour (16:00-22:00) 20元(before noon)                                                40元(in afternoon)
Monday                                                (Closed)                                                Tues.-Sun.                                                (6:00-22:00)
Swimming Pool

Mon-Fri                                                (18:00-21:00)                                                Weekends                                                (14:00-17:00; 18:00-21:00)
30元each entrance
Mon.-Sun.                                                (9:00-12:00; 14:00-21:30) Free 3000元·(2 hours)

1200元(2 hours for smaller field)