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International Association Holds New Student Mixer


Living in China can be a daunting experience for any foreigner. It can be especially difficult for students who less than a month ago, landed in China for the purpose of studying a master’s degree. Leaving the comforts of home behind them, they got on a plane and came to Shenzhen to take charge of their own futures. After seeing a gap in need of a bridge, the International Association (IA) connected freshmen with upperclassmen to allow for a free exchange of insight and tips regarding navigating the various difficulties faced after moving to a new country and culture.

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The IA held the “PHBS Full-Time International Students Welcome Mixer” at WeSpace on Friday, September 15, 2017 to help overcome these initial barriers. First and second year international full-time students got a chance to sit down together and discuss their various experiences. The event had 41 international students from more than 25 different countries in attendance.

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The night started with everyone getting some fruits and snacks catered by WeSpace, a relatively new venue that serves as an open study lounge. After about an hour of casual mingling, each person was asked to introduce themselves to the group. Students were then split into different teams to participate in leadership building activities designed to have second and first year students work together. These activities had everything from brain teasers to creating a sales pitch for different items. At the end of the event, students had the opportunity to present their ideas and answers to all the students. The atmosphere was light and jovial, and the event succeeded in bringing the international student community together.

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The IA will continue to hold events that help promote international community building and international and domestic student cultural integration, creating an inclusive community for all students.

Reported by Raphael Thomas

Edited by Megan Mancenido

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